Maintenance of Bradhyaa Water Project

Description of Work

Maintenance and Widening Bradhyaa Water Project including supply and install different sizes of pipes, maintenance all water pumps, filters, valves  and other works for project success.

Client:  Basra Water Directorate

Location:  Basra – Iraq

Year of Construction: 2007 – 2008

ME&I at Khor Azubair Gas Unit

Scope of Work in KAZ area was as follows:

  • Installation and hook-up of gas treatment facility.
  • Erection of ME&I equipment and structures
  • Tie-ins in gas treatment facility existing
  • Interconnecting to gas treatment facility
  • Installation of power and control cables.

Client:  KBR

Location: Khor Azubair/Basra/Iraq

Year of Construction: 2007 – 2008

Emergency Building in Azubair Hospital

Description of Work

Construction of Emergency building in Azubair Hospital in Basrah Governorate, this project including all Civil, Mechanical and Electric works as well as supplying 70 AC units and 850 KVA Generator, the cost of this project is 1,845,161 $, this contract was with Basrah support rebuild and services committee.

Date: 2007- 2008


Install New Substation 33/11 KV in Al Nassir

Description of Work

Install New Substation 33/11 KV at locality of Al Nassir ( Thiqar Governorate  ) ( 2,500,000 $ ) ( 2005)

Client: Thiqar Governorate

Year: 2005

Karmat Ali Sewerage Network & 2 Sewage Pump Station

Description of Work

Supply material, equipment and labour to construct a complete packaged sewage treatment plant and standby generator suitable for a population equivalent of 50,000 people as in the design drawings and the specification, including all necessary pipeline, plinths, buildings and fences. This project is successfully completed and the total amount of this project is 6,945,017.00 USD.

Install Feeder Line 33 KV

Description of Work

Install feeder Line 33 KV From The High Voltage Substation at Center Town to the Al Nassir Substation. The project is worth 2,000,000 $.

Client: Thiqar Governorate

Year: 2005